Today is Black Friday, yesterday was Thanksgiving (American) which means in one month we celebrate Christmas. For North America and much of the world, this season represents joy, festivities, yuletide cheer. (What is "yuletide" anyway? The dictionary defines it as "the season of yule", that helps!) For me, this season is a reality check, a slap in the face, a wake-up call. Two months ago, I found out that even a pastor is not immune from being laid off. I am without work, without prospects and I have 30 days and counting. "30 days for what" you ask? 30 days for my severance pay to run out. Merry Christmas, you're out of money, and a Happy New Year. Here's where that "FAITH" thing kicks in. Just yesterday, a friend who I haven't spoken with in 20 years phoned. It was great reminiscing with him, catching up on family and friends, and laughing a bit about the past. Almost immediately I found myself shar...
"Sanctify them in the truth; Your Word is truth." John 17:17