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Seeing Him Who is Invisible

Have you ever wished you were born into a family like Bill Gates, Donald Trump or the Queen of England?  Do you often think you have "missed the boat"?  Are you reliving that "golden opportunity" that you let slip away? 

Just flip on the TV and every network will have some reality show that highlights the socialites, the million dollar winners of some Burnett production or the hugely successful realtors.  The reality is, we see the lives of the brightest, the most fortunate, the luckiest and we desire to have even a little of what they have.  We know that if we had one of those big commission checks, or even the $50,000 prize from Wipeout that our current financial struggles would be eased a bit (or a lot). 

Did you know that dream of adoption actually happened?  A baby boy, born into a very average and struggling household, was adopted by a princess of the most influential and prosperous kingdom.  For forty years, he was raised and lived as prince with all the pomp and privileges that being the son of a king would bestow on him.  Simply put, he had everything, he lacked nothing.  He was the luckiest man on the face of the earth. That man was Moses (Exodus 2).

What makes Moses an inspiration and a role model is not his "lucky streak".  It is willingness to give up his power, his position, his influence, his opulent lifestyle, his retirement income, his home, his adopted family, his familiar surroundings, his BMW chariots and his designer clothing.  Hebrews 11 puts it this way,

24"By faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, 25 choosing rather to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. 26 He considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt, for he was looking to the reward. 27By faith he left Egypt, not being afraid of the anger of the king, for he endured as seeing him who is invisible."
  • Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh.
    • He knew his true identity - a child of the Most High God.
  • Moses chose to be mistreated with God’s people RATHER than enjoy immediate gratification from sin (for those pleasures are fleeting).
    • Don't be fooled by the fleeting pleasures of sin. Don't give in to them, keep your eyes focused on the main thing.
  • Moses considered the reproach of Christ to be worth far more than all the treasures of Egypt.
    • He had a true view of the future.
    • He understood who it is that will stand victorious in the end and will rule all of heaven and earth for eternity.
    • He recognized the surpassing treasures of heaven over the fleeting earthly treasures of earth.
    • Moses had a keen grasp of God and God's plan for eternity.  Without even the written Scriptures, he recognized a Saviour in God's Son.  By faith he kept Passover (v.28).
  • Moses did all this BECAUSE he was looking to the future, where his treasure/reward would be waiting for him in heaven.  He understood the treasures in heaven to be more important, more valuable than the temporary rewards/pleasures on this earth.
    • Where is your focus?  Are you able to take your eyes off the fleeting pleasures of this world for the surpassing greatness of the future?  
Moses, in the last 40 years of his life, enters into a relationship like no other.  God talks to Moses as two friends talk, face to face (Exod. 33:11).  Again at this point in his life, you can say he is the luckiest man on the face of the earth.  Of course you know I don't believe in "luck" but the sovereignty and providence of God.  However, Moses is found to be in that envious place of right-relationship with God, enduring the hardships that are before him, for the surpassing greatness of his future eternity with God.  He has found favor in God's sight and yet he is desperate to know God even more so that he will be found even more pleasing to God (33:13).  

Moses is clearly focused on the one thing that is most important to every person that has ever been born.  "But one thing I do: Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead."(Phil. 3:13) 

Do you see Him who is invisible? (Heb. 11:27)  That's what makes Moses stand out from those of us that struggle with the things we see...the here and now.  Step out and dare to be like Moses, put aside the things that draw your focus, your attention and energies.  Focus on one thing - on Him, who is invisible, and rewards those who diligently follow hard after Him. (Deut. 6:5)


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